Donating Etiquette What to do and What Not to do

Charity clothing pickup

Research states that there is an estimated of 12 million tons of clothing and textile waste thrown out each year in the United States. This clothing can benefit others when it is used for a charitable donation rather than just thrown out. When deciding to donate your items there are a few things that should be considered. Deciding on organizations, which accept clothing donations, is a good start, but the following do’s and don’ts will help you make the best decision concerning charity donations.

Decide which charity your donations will go to. There are a number of charities that will benefit from your donation. Each charity donation is used in a different way. Research your charity of choice to decide where your items will go. If you are de-cluttering your whole house then you might decide to donate different items to different charities. Decide which charities offer local donation pick ups to cut down on time driving to different locations.

Get a receipt and property value of your donation for tax purposes. If you are planning on using your donated items as a tax deduction then you must know what you are donating for proof. Your list along with your receipt will serve as your tax records for your deduction.

Make sure that you comply with the guidelines of the charity you decide to donate to. If you are giving items, which are to be picked up by local donation pick ups, then make sure the items are bagged or boxed as specified. Many charities rely on the help of volunteers to sort through items and to pick up items, so try to follow guidelines as much as possible to make their job easier.

Don’t donate trash to charities. Many charities accept clothing donations and other donated items with the intent of re-selling them. If your items cannot be resold, or are so torn up or old and worn that no one would want them, then the trash may be a better option. Other things to avoid donating are those that are missing parts, ripped, torn or stained things.

Do not donate items that have been recalled. These items should not be given to others, they should be discarded. Also do not donate items such as car seats which have been involved in an accident or that are expired. These items will put the users at risk more than they will benefit them.

Don’t just drop your items off at the door. Make sure that you speak with a charity representative. Some charities have certain guidelines as far as accepting donations. Some charities offer local donation pick ups, while others want you to fill out something prior to donating. Instead of just dropping donation items off, so they can be confused with trash, follow the rules for donating items.

An estimated 4.5 pounds of trash is generated per day, which averages around 1.5 tons per year. Of this generated trash or waste, almost 75% is recyclable but only 30% percent is actually recycled. Recycling instead of throwing stuff away benefits those in need and benefits the environment. Next time you think about tossing your used clothing and textiles, consider donating them to a local charity.